The Pastors & Others

Nick Garland, Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church, Broken Arrow, OK

"In a time when there are many different seminars and programs addressing problems in today's marriages, it is refreshing to find a course that is Biblically sound, strong in application and solid in counsel. The fact that Allan and Pat Gates are faithful Christians who have overcome some of life's deepest valleys makes the course fresh, pragmatic, alive and refreshing. The impact it makes is verified in changed marriages that remain changed long after the course is completed."

John D. Lay, Executive Pastor

First Baptist Church, Canton, GA

"God has given Allan and Pat a message for every couple today. Marriages can be complete and fulfilling when husbands and wives follow God's plan."

Charlton Hiatt, Associate Pastor

Stone Briar Community Church, Frisco, TX

"Dynamic Marriage seminars are excellent. Authentic in their approach, the Gates possess a unique ability to graciously present biblical truth in an encouraging and winsome manner."

Mike Woodruff, Senior Pastor

Christ Church, Lake Forest, IL

"Responses from couples attending the conference were impressively consistent, as all strongly agreed the conference was worth the time and money spent. Allan and Pat provided practical ways couples could make small but reasonable steps to improve their marriage."

Scott Pruitt, Senator

Assistant Floor Leader, OK State Senate

"Often, in the hurried pace of life it is easy to take for granted the gift of your spouse in life's journey. Dynamic Marriage awakened my wife and I to the importance of expecting more out of our relationship - daily and consistent fulfillment and completeness in one another."

David & Claudia Johnson, Missionaries

Southeast Asia

"We LOVED Dynamic Marriage. Allan and Pat reminded us what fun it is to be married and why we chose each other in the first place. We were encouraged, reaffirmed and entertained ... "

Michael DelGiorno

KFAQ-AM, Tulsa, OK

"I have had many coaches throughout my life, but I found the most important coaching I have ever received came from Allan and Pat Gates and Dynamic Marriage."

Tim Hetrix, Missionary

Southeast Asia

"Through the time spent in the Dynamic Marriage seminar, I learned to love my wife in practical and tangible ways."

Bob & Marty Wagoner, Missionaries

Southeast Asia

"This is a course that will enable you to better understand your mate as well as provide new innovative approaches to keeping your relationship fun and fresh. We highly recommend this course for every marriage."